Minggu, 26 Juni 2011

Canon BGE2 Battery Grip for the EOS 20D and EOS 30D Digital SLR Cameras

Buy Canon BGE2 Battery Grip for the EOS 20D and EOS 30D Digital SLR Cameras

"Canon BGE2 Battery Grip for the EOS 20D and EOS 30D Digital SLR Cameras"

Compatible with Canon EOS 20D and EOS 30D digital SLRsHolds up to two Canon Lithium-ion battery packs (BP-511/511A/512/514) or 6 AA batteries for increased shooting timeBattery grip adds a vertical shutter release capabilitiesOptional hand strap (E1) is availableIncreases functionality and convenience for your Canon EOS DSLRYou can red more technical details at amzon.com

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Read more Canon BGE2 Battery Grip for the EOS 20D and EOS 30D Digital SLR Cameras

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