Most Helpful Customer Reviews
6 of 6 people found the following review helpful: 2.0 out of 5 stars All lenses are not Japan made, December 1, 2010 This review is from: Canon EOS Rebel T2i SLR Digital Camera Kit (Electronics) The camera is made in Japan, a good one, thats about it. Two lenses are made in Taiwan and Malaysia, all other additional items are made in China. Lenses not made in Japan have lower quality, all China made stuff are junk, very crapy and usseless. So what do I get from this vendor/package? I probably saved a few bucks, but certainly did not get the quality that I expected. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you?
11 of 13 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars GREAT STANDARD CANON ITEMS BUT POOR QUALITY ACCESSORIES, August 27, 2010 This review is from: Canon EOS Rebel T2i SLR Digital Camera Kit (Electronics) This "HUGE" Canon Rebel T2i package has been reviewed elsewhere on Amazon (but with the 16Gig SDHC card vs. this 32GIG SDHC card), and I concurred that the standard accessories are excellent, but the Zeikos accessories added are pure junk!!! Aside from the 10 year warrantee for a rather shoddy looking Zeikos tripod, and the Transcend brand Class 4 32Gig SDHC (good mainly for only stills, not the camera's HD video function, to which I anticipated the need for a Sandisk Class 10 16Gig, and placed an order for this simultaneously from another one of Amazon's third party sellers). As stated elsewhere, the Macro/Wide Angle lense is crap; I needed the unscrewable Macro portion of the lense, which both distorted the image progressively towards the peripheral edges of the field of view, and created a nasty barrel effect. (Thank Heaven's for Photoshop's cropping feature, though I will likely just scrap its use and use the standard Canon zoom optics and avoid what also appeared to be a deteriorated image. I haven't used the Zeikos telephoto lense yet, and probably will net the same neglegible results vs. the Canon optics. I could not find the LCD protective plastic cover in the little camera maintenance pak, and would not chance the use of the ditzy little table tripod. I am informed the 3 supplied filters fall apart soon after use. The 2 additional battery packs are NOT Canon products, and I am informed yields fewer stills per full charge than the Canon OEM product. The Canon 55-255 zoom lense and, I believe, the standard Canon 18-55 zoom lense are both from Taiwan! SINCE THIS REVIEW, SELLER HAS ATTEMPTED TO MAKE SOME ADJUSTMENT AND EXPLAINED AWAY MY WRONG ASSUMPTION OF OVERCHARGING FOR THESE ADDITIONAL ITEMS, SO I AM RECOMMENDING THE SELLER WITH 5 STARS, NOW! Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you?
7 of 8 people found the following review helpful: 3.0 out of 5 stars The camera is perfect....the package is rubbish, September 12, 2010 This review is from: Canon EOS Rebel T2i SLR Digital Camera Kit (Electronics) Simply the camera is fantastic... but don't buy the is full of rubbish....the macro lens, the 2X lens, the tripod, the flash and the case are all rubbish Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you?
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