Jumat, 08 Juli 2011

How to shoot with a paintball DSLR Tutorial - Part 1

How to shoot with a paintball DSLR Tutorial - Part 1 Tube. Duration : 10.40 Mins.

Paintball Social Travis gives us a guide on how to paintball videos with digital SLR (DSLR) to shoot. We use Canon for Nikon extension on their shooting. It will go beyond the Canon 5D Mark II and 7D body, slower. One of the challenges of using a DSLR you need to manual focus, and depth of field. Stay tuned for Part 2 More videos of Fan www.socialpaintball.com Us @ http

Keywords: How, To, Shoot, Paintball, Videos, with, DSLR, Cameras, Tutorial, Part 1, Canon, socialpb, socialpaintball, social, nikon, 720, 60p, 24p, 7D, t2i, 5dmarkii, 60D, manual, focus, depth, of, field, DOF, aperture, iris, camera, digital, airsoft, panasonic, clips, instructional video

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